Sean Bryan Alger aka S.B. Alger "A Conspiracy Theories Expert".. Would Know.. as he affirmed.
Was Tracy Twyman an asset too?
Just like Isaac Kappy?
..the Israeli Child Killer?
"a dissociative identity disordered asset being used as a dead man walking"
Sinner: Pedophilia, Murder, Antisemitism & Theft
..Boom ..Pays $1.2 Million~!
...and this is just a part of the Attorney Fees, and in a civil case..
S.B. Alger is deemed 'unsafe' to be around his own two daughters by a Court issued Restraining Order.. While so, he is Crusading for others' 'Children'... like a good willed philanthropist..
"Why was Jesus arrested.. naked, with an underage boy?"
"I am obsessed with that guys work!"
S.B. Alger
Meanwhile... Claiming Expertise on Pedophiles & Pedophilia Conspiracy Theories & Accusations.. and a Crusader against the Evil Doers... who also happens to be collectively Jews.. an Antisemite in and out..
Observe the ear pieces or disks on S.B. Alger ears.. they can serve as a telepathy device where he can hear what mortals cannot conceive regarding conspiracies and Evil Doers.. for he is special.. with much of special miracles.. that were given only to him.. by God..
Is S.B. Alger trying to Finish Tracy Twyman's Husband after Gangstalking Tracy R. Twyman to Death?
"Thankful for freedom to take care of biz & things w/o a full time job"
Not when S. B. Alger owes Tracy Twyman's Estate in penalties $1.2 Million
Tracy Twyman's Widower
"Thankful for an amazing partner who supports me & never micromanages me"
S. B. Alger
"Isaac [Kappy] accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior"
So Pizzagate was a Genocidal Israeli PSYOP to pressure Hollywood in the US?
Then how S.B. Alger got in the middle of this? Was the Religious Fanatic ‘Fished’ to get involved and be a willing agent?
'..Bitches.. stop picking on Jews..'
The look on S.B. Alger's face after the harsh realization: Priceless
'Used & Abused' | 'Pumped & Dumped'
by Foreign Agents
by his Master & Handler
S. B. Alger does not want to "list them right now".
Who are they? If S.B. Alger does know who murdered Tracy R. Twyman then it is his duty to take the right action; otherwise he is complicit in the act and crime.
S.B. Alger confirmed publicly his knowledge of Tracy R. Twyman's murder details.
This statement would be essential evidence if an investigation into Tracy's death was reopened, probing into who did Gangstalk Tracy R. Twyman
(Like, was it the Religious Fanatics Duo, Sean Bryan Alger and Alicia Anna Taylor who did Gang-Stalk Tracy R. Twyman to death?)
EVIDENCE: Tracy R. Twyman's phone's Texts and her Emails do show much of this nefarious activities of Gangstalking by Sean Bryan Alger
'..still tripping out on Jews?'
It is not a good idea, and never had been, to be involved with Jews & "crazy" Arabs issues
It brings down Empires